In March 2014 the Original Fintech Week was organized by Fintech Worldwide and launched in London. The idea was to help fast-track innovation by getting the right people in the room in a casual, friction-less environment and let the magic happen naturally.
Since then Fintech Worldwide has been running Fintech and Blockchain conferences all over the globe in cities including, San Francisco, Hong Kong, New York, London, Amsterdam, Chicago, Washington D.C., Tel Aviv and Dublin. Fintech Worldwide is one of the fastest growing, independent Fintech events companies with a global footprint.
2018 is the 5th year of Fintech Week and the 2nd year bringing the multi-day conference/workshop/meetup/exhibition concept to Silicon Valley. Fintech Week brings together the Fintech ecosystem, including investors, large banks, consultancies, start-ups, academics, government and innovators.
For those in the Blockchain and Bitcoin arena, this is a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with some of the brightest and most creating minds in the industry.
For more information, visit:
Dave Starkax built his first computer when he was 8 years old and has never looked back. Dave built trading platforms for the exchange of video game digital goods beginning in 2001. When he read the bitcoin whitepaper in 2011, he recognized it as a solution to the biggest problem his industry had been facing for over a decade. He joined Do Cryptocurrency upon meeting the founder and learning about his inspiring mission for the crypto community.