french blockchain revolutionFrance’s Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th, which commemorates the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, a major turning point in the French Revolution.

Today, we are at the dawn of a new technological revolution which will transform the world in ways not yet imagined: the revolution brought about by bitcoin and blockchain technology.

The Parisian civilian riot which exploded on July 12-14, 1789, is famous for its culmination point called the Storming of Bastille that went down in history as having crucially changed not only France, but the entire world.

For two centuries, the Storming of Bastille has been deeply engraved in the consciousness of the French nation as a symbol of the fall of the Ancien Régime and an absolute monarchy. Moreover, the motto Liberté, égalité, fraternité inspired many ardent rebels to heroism. That is why July 14 became a national holiday in France.

Revolutions also happen nowadays. We are currently witnessing the most large-scale one in the technological space. It’s been a long time since this tech outbreak embraced the whole globe. We are referring to the blockchain revolution.

Imagine you park money in a bank and stay calm about its safety. Imagine you sign a contract with a stranger who couldn’t possibly cheat you. Imagine that the state guarantees legitimacy and fairness in any of life cases. That is the real liberty, equality, and fraternity and some of the possibilities of blockchain technology.

How to attain it? How to accelerate the blockchain revolution? At the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference in France, scheduled for July 18 in Paris, renowned global crypto experts will cover the above mentioned topics.

Keynotes of the discussion:

  • the role of blockchain in the creation of a virtual state;
  • regulation of crypto assets and ICO in France;
  • blockchain in industry and governmental segment;
  • keynote players in the global blockchain industry.

Celebrating the French national holiday, the event’s organizer Smile-Expo presents a 40% discount for tickets. Click here to buy them from July 10 until and including July 15.

  • A standard ticket – 400 €.
  • A ticket with a discount – 240 €.

Visit the official website Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference France for the further information and registration.

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